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Page Updated: 08-Feb-2010
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Sensors with Remote Operation for Chemical and Biological Protection

Report 03/31/2009

Overview of Achievements since the Start of the Project

    1. Two schemes of protein immobilization were studied during this period of time.
    2. Unique methods of cantilever surfaces modification were developed.
    3. In work was shown how ODA molecules deposited onto HOPG by evaporation self-organize in the pattern similar to that obtained by ODA deposition from chloroform and ethanol solutions.
    4. Obtained monolayer contains domains with three possible directions of ODA assembling inside them, revealing up to 3-folded symmetry.
    5. The model of the cantilever sensor was created before the development of the prototype.
    6. The special program for this model was written.
    7. Sketch documents for cantilever sensor prototype were developed.
    8. Detailed drawings were converted in special program Ultimax.
    9. According to analysis of DNA shapes two types of conformation of DNA on ODA patterns were found in our experiments.


                                        Payments through NATO Funds: 21 000  EUR

See the full version of Technical report...

